What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Teeth sensitivity is a rather frustrating oral health issue that can prevent you from enjoying hot or cold foods and beverages. It can also keep you from chewing and, in some cases, even talking comfortably. Overly sensitive teeth can be caused by numerous oral...

Recognizing the Symptoms of TMD

The TMJ or the temporomandibular joint is a sliding-hinge-like joint that connects the jawbone to your skull. If you frequently suffer from severe jaw pain, have noticed ringing in your ears, or experience unusual headaches, you could be exhibiting symptoms of TMJ...

How Good Oral Health Promotes Your Overall Wellbeing

One of the biggest mistakes people make regarding their health and wellbeing is overlooking the importance of oral hygiene. While most of us know that we risk cavities, tooth decay, and loss of teeth if we don’t take care of our oral health, few of us fully grasp how...